How to Prepare Yummy MEE GORENG MAMAK KETO #PhopByLiniMohd #Batch20

MEE GORENG MAMAK KETO #PhopByLiniMohd #Batch20. 'Mee goreng mamak' is a specific stir-fried noodles dish sold at Mamak eateries in Malaysia and Singapore. It is stir-fried over very high heat together with a special paste along with 'cucur udang' (prawn fritters) which is synonymous with these noodles. Mie goreng (Indonesian: mie goreng or mi goreng; Malay: mee goreng or mi goreng; both meaning "fried noodles"), also known as bakmi goreng, is an Indonesian.

MEE GORENG MAMAK KETO #PhopByLiniMohd #Batch20 Unique flavor by the Indian Muslim community with curry, tofu and more. Today I want to introduce stir-frying noodles with a deep cultural heritage of the Indian Muslim origin in Malaysia - Mee Goreng Mamak. For all noodle lovers, this Vegan Mee Goreng Mamak is a must-try! You can have MEE GORENG MAMAK KETO #PhopByLiniMohd #Batch20 using 21 ingredients and 5 steps. Here is how you cook it.

Ingredients of MEE GORENG MAMAK KETO #PhopByLiniMohd #Batch20

  1. It's of Bahan Pes.
  2. You need 125 g of kacang tanah.
  3. You need 40 g of cili kering.
  4. It's 40 g of udang geragau.
  5. It's 1/2 of mangkuk kecil pati asam jawa.
  6. You need 6 of sudu besar erythritol.
  7. You need 1 of sdt garam (sesuaikan).
  8. You need 1 of sdt serbuk perasa yang diluluskan.
  9. Prepare of Bahan Mee Goreng.
  10. Prepare 150 g of Mee Shirataki kering.
  11. Prepare 400 g of isi ayam dipotong kecil.
  12. You need 4 ulas of bawang putih.
  13. You need 6 of biji lada thai/padi.
  14. It's 2 of biji telur ayam.
  15. It's 6 of ekor Udang besar (opsyen).
  16. Prepare 1 of kiub hirisan tauhu goreng (opsyen).
  17. You need 1 of cwn kubis halus (opsyen).
  18. It's 2 of no biji tomato potong 8.
  19. You need 1 of gengam taugeh.
  20. You need 1 batang of panjang daun bawang (opsyen).
  21. Prepare 1 of biji limau nipis potong 2.

It is one of my Mamak stalls favorites. The recipe is simple with a delicious and spicy sauce that has a slight tang which makes this an appetizing dish for lunch or dinner. Of course, you can have it at breakfast too! Mee Goreng Mamak is one of the most sought after fried noodles in Malaysia.

MEE GORENG MAMAK KETO #PhopByLiniMohd #Batch20 instructions

  1. Bersihkan dan toskan semua bahan pes. Goreng kacang tanah dalam minyak secukupnya. Angkat. Selepas itu gunakan minyak yang sama untuk mengoreng cili kering dan udang geragau bergilir-gilir. Sejukkan..
  2. Blander semua bahan di atas. Tambahkan air jika perlu..
  3. Jika ada minyka tersisa, gunakan untuk mengoreng bahan blander tadi. Bila telah mendidih, masukkan asam jawa, erythritol dan garam secukupnya. Stabilkan dengan perasa. Kacau lagi sehingga naik minyak. Pes siap untuk digunakan. Pes yang berlebihan boleh disimpan dalam peti sejuk untuk kegunaan akan datang..
  4. Rebus shirataki sehingga lembut, toskan dan ketepikan. Panaskan minyak. Masukkan bawang putih cincang dan kemudian masukkan lada potong. Bila dah naik bau, masukkan ayam yang dipotong kecil-kecil, biarkan hingga ayam telah masak. Masukkan shirataki dan kacau. Masukkan pes secukupnya. Kacau..
  5. Kosongkan bahagian tengah kuali, pecahkan telur di tengah, biarkan sekejap kemudan kacau sedikit dan campurkan dengan keseluruhan bahan mee tadi. Masukkan taugeh, kubis yang dihiris halus dan tomato, kacau sekejap saja. Biarkan sayuran masih rangup. Tambah pes jika perlu. Angkat. Hiaskan dengan daun bawang, bawang goreng, potongan tauhu dan hirisan limau..

According to the people who have tried it, this recipe is bomb! But of course, you don't have to stop there. Some Mee Goreng Mamak have peanut. Mee goreng mamak is a versatile stir-fry noodle dish from the Maritime Southeast Asia region, initially introduced by the Indian-Muslim community. It is a spicy-savory course that pairs the noodles with a combination of fish cakes, chicken, prawns, garlic, scallions, tomato sauce, curry spice, sweet soy.

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